Admission is restricted by certain regulations and by condition of age,mental attitude, ability and conduct of the candidate.Applicants for admission will be interviewed,tested and admitted to the standard they are found fit,according to the vacancies available.
Admissions classes are made by the school authorities depending upon their norms of selection of children and the availability of seats.
Every candidate for admission must be introduced by the parent/guardian who will be responsible for his/her conduct,progress in studies,discipline and payment of fees
The principal reserves the right of admission to a student without ascribing any reason for it.he also reserves the right of refusing continued studies of any pupil whose conduct or academic progress is found not satisfactory or who is not benefiting from his/her stay and study in this school.
No school leaving certificate will be issued unless applied for in writing by the parent or guardian one month in advance.
If the head of the institution find any student’s performance unsatisfactory and orders withdrawal of such student, it is obligatory on the part of the parent or guardian to withdraw the student.