Father Ludovico was more successful with the order of the Franciscan Sisters St.Elizabeth. They constituted the counterpart to Brothers of charity, with the specific mission of providing for the charitable and educational need of women. Father Ludovico felt that to provide assistance and education to girls and women, he needed people who were totally dedicated to charity, as well as faithful interpreters of his spirit and apostolic programs.
The beginning of the Franciscan Sisters of St.Elizabeth is tied to the St. Marcellino Royal College in napples, a school for the aristocracy and the upper classes. Filipo Parisi introduced Father Ludovico to the school.In a short time Father Ludovico became the spiritual guide to many of the students and teachers at the school. Among the teachers were Margherita Salatino and Concetta Durelli, who became his followers and joined the third order. The fall of the Bourbon kings and the creation of the new Italian state were a traumatic period for the South. Many people were opposed to the required pledge of allegiance to the new government. Salatino and Durelli were among those who refused to pledge and were subsequently expelled from their teaching positions by the new administration. It was the year 1862. Along with others, they started living together in prayer and service to the poor under the direction of Father Ludovico. It was the beginning of the Congregation. It was Father Ludovico himself who gave them the name of Sisters of Elizabeth, to place them under the protection of St.Elizabeth of Hungary… Father Ludovico wrote, “The holy father of this institute is St.Francis of Assisi, and holy mother is St.Elizabeth of Hungry. From that day, the Franciscan Sisters of St.Elizabeth grew, perfected themselves, gathered many orphans, opened other houses and educated girls.
The most important tasks performed by the daughters of the Franciscan Sisters of St.Elizabeth are: The religious Catholic education of girls,training them for womanly work and literature, and especially, the education and upbringing of poor girls, orphans, deaf, mute, blind, sick and other works of this nature. The first disciples of Father Ludovico took on his missionary spirit. This took root in different nations after the death of the Founder. The first area of missionary work was in the United States(1919) followed by Panama(1958) Southern India and Philippinese(1992) lately in Indonesia.
The two major pursuits of the Franciscan sisters of St.Elizabeth are the education and assistance to the sick. To these original tasks added the parish apostolate and missionary works. Today they continue their beneficial activities in Italy, America,Panama,Africa,India,Philippinese and Indonesia. Everywhere they carry on the legacy of their Founder Father Ludovico.
In our complex and often contradictory times, faced with new situations and challenges, the choice for vocation is a fundamental priority which qualifies our presence in the community of India. God,s plan of salvation is the answer for everything. With an extra ordinary spirit which uprooted in the legacy of Father Ludovico, Rev. Sr.Gina Maria Amico took a great challenges to spread the wings of the Congregation in India. Under the Spiritual guidance and leader ship of Late Mar.Joseph Kundukulam we have started our mission in India(1983).